Apn # 003-250-057- Agricultual Land for sale for wild herbs including Cannabis in Niland, Imperial County, California, USA
APN # 003-250-057- Niland, Imperial County, California.
Hi, An excellent opportunity to own multipurpose 227 acres of land about 5 miles east of Niland with Panoramic views of the mountains. Zoned S-2 allowing for many uses such as: Accessory agricultural buildings, structures & uses including farm buildings, housing of agricultural products, garages & implementation shelters, provided no livestock or any building or enclosure used in connection with livestock shall be closer than 100 feet to the property lines. (not allowed within ONCAP), Accessory Structure including cargo container (provided they have an approved building permit & are subordinate to a primary building/use) b) All permitted uses in S-1 zone under § 90518.01 except for mobile home and/or RV park c) Apiaries d) Keeping of poultry, or similar small animals. e) Pasturing and grazing, provided however, that it shall not exceed one large animal (horse, mule, cow, etc.) or five medium size animal (dogs, goat, sheep) for each acre of the area of the parcel of land upon which the same are kept, except the temporary pasturing of livestock to feed on vegetable manner grown on said premises made be permitted. f) Public buildings g) Residence, one per legal parcel. h) Solar energy extraction generation provided that it is for on-site consumption only. i) Stands for the sale of agricultural, horticultural, or farming products grown on the premises. j) Storage of agricultural products. k) Storage of products used for premises. l) Home Occupation per Division 4, Chapter 4 (home occupation permit required- Hotels & motels) § 90519.02 USES PERMITTED WITH A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT a)Airports,airparks,heliparks.b) Asphaltic/concrete batch plants Division 5 Adopted November 24, 1998 (Amended December 16, 2003) (Amended August 3, 2004) (Amended October 31, 2006) (Amended January 29, 2008) (Amended July 2, 2013 MO#12) (Amended December 9, 2014) (Amended October 6, 2015 MO#18c)c) Boat delivery and launching ramps. d) Communication Towers: including radio, television, cellular, digital, along with the necessary support equipment such as receivers, transmitters, antennas, satellite dishes, relays, etc.(subject to requirements of this zone and Division 24; Section 92401 “Communications Facilities Ordinance” et al). e) Community recreational buildings.f) Contractors office and storage yard (temporary) g) Equestrian establishment. h) General Store, 2000 square feet maximum.i) Major facilities relating to the generation & transmission of electrical energy provides such facilities are not under State or Federal law, to approved exclusively by an agency, or agencies of the State or Federal government, and provided such facilities shall be approved subsequent to coordination review of the Imperial Irrigation District for electrical matters. Such uses shall include but be limited to the following: Electrical generation plants Facilities for the transmission of electrical energy (100-200 kV) Electrical substations in an electrical transmission system (500 kv/230 kv/161 kV) j) Mobile home/RV Park. k) Off road vehicle and or motorcycle events.l) Oil, gas & geothermal exploration.m) Parks and picnic grounds.n) Recreational camps, resorts, guest & dude ranches, organized camps. o) Recreational vehicle storage compounds/mini storage provided at least 75% of total use is for RV storage p) Riding, hiking, bicycle trials. Q)Forest industries R) Grazing S) Gun clubs T) Harvesting of any wild crop U) Marinas, boat liveries and boat launching ramps V) Solar energy extraction generation for on-site consumption only. IID power runs along the southern portion of the property. The property line runs along the Coachella Canal with an easy access road to the City of Niland. IID substation is located 4 miles away. This property offers many opportunities of harvesting your fav organic herbs, Cannabis lovers, please visit the county website for commercial license. Link is attached for cannabis lovers, looking to have acres of land for commercial purpose and would need a commercial license. https://www.icpds.com/planning/commercial-cannabis-licensing-process
Road: Dirt road.
Asking price: $15,000,000 USD.
I can be reached at 647-654-3250 or by email at naima.sheikhrealty@gmail.com